Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Blogg #10

I view myself as an above average filmmaker. I am nowhere near as good as my brother but he helped me learn about the importance of lighting and having a good camera. Since the start of the course I got a little better at the whole film making thing. I had some previous experience of film making because it took tech classes where we had to make films. The thing that I really didn’t learn, not because I wasn’t taught, was script writing. I am very good at coming up with ideas, but am sub-par at putting them onto paper. I also learned that it good to have a brother with lots of film experience and an expensive camera.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Final Film Thoughts

I think that my final film has been sort of a hassle. I say this because I haven’t been able to get all of my actors together and I haven’t started filming yet. I would enjoy this project very much if their wasn’t as much pressure to completing the film. This is mostly my fault because I have delayed it for so long. I have enjoyed making films in the past, but for some reason this film is not as enjoyable. I’m sure that when I am finished with the project I will be happy with it. But I am starting to stress out over the final product.