Thursday, April 29, 2010

Entry Three

The story that sticks out to me that has not been made into a movie is parts/stories in the bible. I think that the Old Testament parts would make good movies. I know that there have been movies with ideas of the Old Testament and Armageddon. People generally tend to enjoy violence and gruesome material. These stories are some of the most disturbing things that people couldn’t think of today. Many people enjoy crazy science fiction movies about things that could never happen. The stories in the Old Testament would be similar to science fiction. If there were movies about the Old Testament, it would be a cross between fiction and non-fiction. It would be fictitious because the stories contain lots of fantasy and things that couldn’t actually happen in real life. It could also be classified as non-fiction because many people believe that these stories are true. So I do believe that they would appeal to all different types of people. They would appeal to religious people because it is based on what they believe and worship. It would also appeal to non-religious people because they would look at it as a fiction movie filled with violence. If there were to be a movie about religion or the Old Testament it would be appropriate for it to be made by a prestigious film director, like Steven Spielberg.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Entry Two

I am not one hundred percent sure what I would like to do for my final film. In the past when I have taken classes with a film requirement I would make movies with my friends Conor and Russell. My brother, who is a film major at C.W. Post university in Long Island, used to film these for us and we would get really good grades because of his fantastic work. For my final project, I would like to film with my friends. Instead of my brother being behind the camera, I would be. I would like it if he would help me and show me the ropes of filming and movie making. For the project I would like to use his camera, which is very expensive and official for making movies. I have not exactly come up with an idea of what I would like my movie to be, but I don’t think it will take very long for me to think of a script. Generally when my friends and I have made movies, we have made them funny. I would like to continue to make movies that are funny because I am good with that genre. I think that having my brother as a reference will really help me learn about film making and make my final project come out very good.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Entry One

I enjoy comedies and action/adventure movies. I enjoy comedy movies because I very much appreciate humor and all the different ways that humor can be presented. I enjoy making people laugh and watching funny movies or television shows that help me learn how to be funny and how to make people laugh. I enjoy action and adventure movies as well. My favorite movie of all time is The Shawshank Redemption. I enjoy this movie because it makes you feel good and can help you learn lessons about life. My favorite comedy movie is National Lampoons Vacation.