Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Entry Two

I am not one hundred percent sure what I would like to do for my final film. In the past when I have taken classes with a film requirement I would make movies with my friends Conor and Russell. My brother, who is a film major at C.W. Post university in Long Island, used to film these for us and we would get really good grades because of his fantastic work. For my final project, I would like to film with my friends. Instead of my brother being behind the camera, I would be. I would like it if he would help me and show me the ropes of filming and movie making. For the project I would like to use his camera, which is very expensive and official for making movies. I have not exactly come up with an idea of what I would like my movie to be, but I don’t think it will take very long for me to think of a script. Generally when my friends and I have made movies, we have made them funny. I would like to continue to make movies that are funny because I am good with that genre. I think that having my brother as a reference will really help me learn about film making and make my final project come out very good.

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