Friday, May 21, 2010

Entry 6 - Process of Film Making

I personally enjoyed the process of film making. I have taken classes in the past where I have made movie films. I also have an interest in movie making because my brother is talented at film making. I very much enjoy editing because you can take plain or average footage and make it into something creative and original. The one problem I had with editing is that it is extremely tedious. Sometimes to make the smallest edits, for a clip about 20 seconds long you spend about 5 to 10 minutes. Even though it is tedious, the final product is worth the work (if you know what you are doing). I am excited about my final project because I know what I am going to do and how I am going to edit it. If the final film comes out like how I am picturing it I will be very excited and proud. Another problem that hasn’t occurred yet, but most likely will is the quality of acting that I have available is sub par. But I will make the best of what I have and make it look good with my editing skills.

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