Thursday, May 13, 2010

Process of scripting and storyboarding

I believe that scripting and storyboarding are both crucial when it comes to making a movie film. I think that the process of scripting is tedious and parts of it are unnecessary for short films for English classes in high school, but they are very important for making feature length films. I personally do not like scripting, because I am not talented at it. When I am writing down my ideas I usually leave things out. I am better at coming up with ideas when I am being active. When I am sitting down at a desk it is hard for me to come up with creative ideas for a script. I believe that storyboarding is very important. It helps you get a picture of what you want to put on camera. It is very convenient when you go to film it because you already know what you want to film and how you want to film it.

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